I’ve applied to the NDIS. What’s next?
What you need to know about accessing the NDIS
Updated: December 2024
Congratulations on taking the first step towards accessing National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) support.
Like anything you do for the first time, navigating the NDIS can feel a bit overwhelming and complicated. In 2024, the Australian Government made some changes to the NDIS, which started on 3rd October. So, some parts of the process have changed.
Once you’ve submitted your application, the process typically goes through the following stages.
1. The NDIS application process
Application review
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is responsible for determining who is eligible to access the NDIS. After you submit your application, the NDIS will review it to work out whether you’re eligible for support services.
They will be checking whether you meet:
- the age requirements (be between 9 and 65 on the day you apply)
- residence requirements (you must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident or Protected Special Category Visa holder)
- whether you live in Australia
- you have one or more impairments that are likely to be permanent and substantially impact your ability to do daily life activities
- either the disability requirements or the early intervention requirements.
You can get support for your application from your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or Early Childhood Partner for children under 9. These will help you navigate the applicaiton process and can act as a primary contact.
Read our easy read guide to who can help you with applying for the NDIS.
You find out if you’re eligible
Once they have your application, they have 21 days to decide wheteher you're eligible or whether they need more information.
They will send you a letter to let you know that you’re eligible, whether you meet the disability or early intervention requirements and what your next steps are.
2. Developing your NDIS plan
You have your first planning meeting
If you are eligible, the NDIS will use the information and evidence you included in your application to develop your first NDIS plan. This plan will set out the supports which will be funded by the NDIS.
Recently, the types of supports that can be funded has been updated.
The NDIS has new laws about which supports can be funded. The NDIS requires approved supports to meet specific criteria before funding them in your plan.
Your supports need to be:
- be related to your disability
- show value for money
- be effective and beneficial
Once your plan has been developed, the NDIA planner will invite you to a plan meeting. This meeting can take place face to face, virtually by Microsoft Teams or by phone. You can bring a family member, supporter or anyone else you need to your plan meeting.
In this meeting, the planner will show you the plan and explain how they decided which supports would be funded when developing your plan. They will also talk with you about your living situation, goals and support needs to check to make sure the supports in your plan meet your needs.
We have created this Easy Read blog about the new changes to NDIS funding.
Approving your NDIS plan
If you during the plan meeting it is agreed that the NDIS plan fits your situation and includes the right help, your NDIA planner will approve the plan in the meeting.
If the supports in your plan do not fit your situation, your NDIA planner will work with you to understand what changes are needed.
This plan will outline the services and supports you are eligible to receive through the NDIS and what funding you will receive.
How to access your NDIS plan
Once you have your plan approved, it will be added to your my NDIS portal and app. You will also receive a copy via email or post.
Plans before 3 October2024 only showed the funding split between each support.
However, new plans will now show the total amount of NDIS funding you get. It will aslo show the amount of funding you have for each support category or service and how long you have to use it. Initally all new plans will have a funding period of 12 months.
This will help you keep better track of accessing your NDIS funds.
3. Access NDIS support
Learn more about accessing NDIS support with your plan
After your plan is approved, you can set up an NDIS implementation meeting with your NDIS partner. They can help you understand your plan and connect with your services or providers.
Choose service providers and set up supports
Your support coordinator or NDIS partner will help you find providers who will best meet your needs and align with your goals. Whether it's help with daily tasks, therapy services or specialised equipment, there are a variety of providers available to help you.
Here’s a bit of a guide to what you can use your NDIS funds for.
If you’re new to the NDIS and want personalised guidance from a registered provider, our friendly team is here to help. Reach out today to explore how we can support you on your journey.