Gail’s story – regaining confidence and independence
How little things can make a big difference
Our member Gail has always lived an active and social life. She has a loving family, and loves getting out and about with her many friends.
However, when she was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration she lost a lot of confidence after being declared legally blind. Losing this independence has been particularly difficult to come to terms with.
Gail moved in with her daughter Kelli and has had to rely more on her family, which has been difficult for such a fiercely independent person.
Gail’s Home Care Package
Gail was allocated a Home Care Package with Five Good Friends. She receives regular support services for companionship and community access. She also receives regular physiotherapy for her pain management and to keep her moving independently at home and when she’s out.
According to Kellie, Gail has come along in leaps and bounds. Last year, she even went on a trip to Melbourne with Kellie to see her grandson graduate from the Navy. If it wasn’t for the Home Care Package and Five Good Friends support, Gail would have never had the confidence to leave the house, let alone get on a plane.
Help with the big and the little things in life
Gail has developed a great bond with her team of Helpers and is enjoying all the activities they do together.
One of her new activities is cooking with her Helper Karyn. Kellie told us about their first successful attempt. With Doris Day playing in the background (at Gail’s request), they had a lovely morning together.
Karyn brought along Christmas aprons, ingredients and a beautiful attitude. I know Mum can’t see to chop, measure or turn on the appliances or do any of the hard stuff, but sitting back listening to the interaction between the two is quiet endearing.
I'm doing my office work and I can hear them laughing, chatting and making the most of this experience. Not too sure about the finished product yet, but the process has been inspirational to observe.
Thank you 5GF. It’s the little things that make a big difference, Kellie said.
If you or a loved one needs some support like Gail, please get in touch with us at Five Good Friends. We can help you live the life you want in the home and community you love.
Learn more: What's the difference between Commonwealth Home Support Program and Home Care Packages?