We are committed to ensuring our Members and their families receive the help and support they need through the COVID-19 outbreak. We also want to provide you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing you can continue to receive your visits in a way that is safe for you and your Helpers.
New contactless and reduced contact protocols for your Helpers.
The Department of Health guidelines and recommended practices regarding COVID-19 have been regularly communicated to all Helpers. This has been supported by the Five Good Friends Standard Operating Procedure for ongoing home care services. In line with the recommendations we have developed new protocols and guidelines for Five Good Friends Helpers to understand and follow. As an added measure, Helpers are now required to complete a Contactless and Reduced Contact Competency Assessment. Successful completion of this competency will be recorded in each Helpers profile. We are doing this to provide our Members added confidence that Helpers have been advised on how to provide services in a manner that:
- Aligns to the Department of Health guidelines.
- Minimises or eliminates personal contact, where possible.
- Applies social distancing practices.
We are currently working with all Helpers to ensure they complete this Competency Assessment.
New services for you.
We are also offering new services to address specific situations and provide further peace of mind. These have been designed following recent feedback from our Members and their families. They are supported by additional protocols and guidelines for Helpers to follow. The new services are:
- Contactless shopping and delivery: A contactless service that shops for and delivers groceries and medications to our Members. Helpers must complete an additional competency assessment specific to this new service.
- Wellbeing Check in's: A new phone or video conference service to maintain contact between isolating Members and Helpers.
- Telehelp - assisted telehealth visits: A new process for our Helpers to safely assist members interact with Allied Health or Medical Services remotely utilising telephone or video conferencing technology.
What about existing services?
There is no need to make changes to your current services unless you would prefer. We want you to know that we are working with and supporting your Helpers in an ongoing way to ensure they provide their services as safely as possible and in line with Department of Health guidelines.
Providing improved oversight through LOOKOUT Remote Care Intelligence.
Importantly, services and visits by your Helpers are monitored by our Remote Care Intelligence Platform LOOKOUT. Every time a Five Good Friends Helper completes a visit they are prompted to leave secure notes in the Five Good Friends App about any changes or observations they think your Five Good Friends Care Team should know about. These notes are analysed by our LOOKOUT technology for signs of emerging risk or changes in health and wellbeing. They are brought to the attention of your Care Manager in real time. The combination of technology, matched Helpers and skilled health professionals overseeing your care is unique to Five Good Friends. It allows us to provide improved oversight and proactive response even at times when we are being asked to isolate and practice social distancing. With LOOKOUT Remote Care Intelligence you can feel even more assured that your health and wellbeing is continuing to be monitored.
Thank you,
William Garton Head of Quality and Programme Development Five Good Friends