Good quality and consistent care for our Five Good Friends Members relies on making sure everyone is informed and up-to-date.
That’s why we’re excited that recent updates to our collaborative notebook now encourage more open communication amongst your Care Team and ensure that everybody's on the same page.
How does it work?
Essentially, collaborative notebook is a digital representation of a physical book and allows you and your care team to keep informed. We can now post and share notes with you and your Helpers for better transparency, peace of mind and deeper engagement with everybody involved in the care of a Member.
Members and their network will receive stories, updates and insights directly from their Five Good Friends Care Team. When we’ve got something important to share with you, you’ll receive an email or app notification to let you know a new note is posted in your Member's notebook.
Members join the conversation
We know it is important that our Members and their loved ones are actively involved in the conversations regarding their own care. The notebook isn't just about record keeping and accountability.
The notebook is a two-way communication channel.
You can comment on any post and contribute to the discussion whether you want to ask a question, add your own thoughts or simply give us a thumbs up. By providing access to the notebook, we want to empower our Members and their families to take control of their own care journeys.
No phone? No worries, you can always use the website.
Did you know you can access all the features in our app by logging in to your account on our website? No need for smartphones, a computer with an internet connection works just fine.
Members can login to your account here. If you’re not sure what your login details are, then please read this to learn about how to activate your account or contact us on 1300 787 581.
Where to find your notebook?
You can view your notebook at any time by simply doing the following:
- Click on your avatar in the top left corner if using the app, or top-right corner if using th e website.
- If you're a Member: scan through the menu until you see a button labelled “Notebook”.
- Family, loved ones: If you aren't the Member, you will need to scan down the menu until you see your Member under "your loved ones". Click on their name, and then a menu will appear with an option called 'Notebook' - click on that.
- Voila! You’ve found the notebook.
You’ll otherwise receive notifications when new notes are posted to your notebook which will link you there directly.
How do I make sure to receive alerts about new posts on my notebook?
Please read the following support articles about how to enable email notifications if accessing your account via the website, or push notifications if using the app:
Email notifications and how to enable them
Push notifications and how to enable them (iOS/Apple)
Push notifications and how to enable them (Android)
Otherwise, each time you open the app or login to your account, if you see a red bubble next to notifications, you can click on that and see if there's any new posts that have been shared.
Can I add my own posts to the notebook?
Not yet, only Five Good Friends staff can share posts in your notebook at the moment. However, we want the notebook to be a centralised communication hub for everybody. We understand how valuable it would be for Members, their loved ones and Helpers to publish notes in the notebook themselves. Stay tuned, it's definitely on the cards in the near future.
Where are my Helper's check-out notes?
Your Helpers currently post check-out notes after every visit to your notebook. However, at the moment only internal staff can see these. These notes are investigated by your Care Manager if any concerns are raised by our Lookout remote care monitoring technology. We will endeavour to include the ability for your Helpers to share check-out notes with you sometime in the future. We will keep you posted on new advancements in this space.
How do I share my feedback about the notebook or about the app or website in general?
Please get in touch and let us know what you think. If there’s anything in particular you’d like to know about or be able to see or do via the app or website we’d love to hear about it. 🙏